Ctrl + Z also doesn't restore deleted lines, so they are lost irretrievably. Btw, Python extension become very buggy last month. Ctrl + X doesn't work. "Save as" doesn't work. Variable explorer crashes after trying to display dictionary. Phantom code in empty cell causes mythical ...
// 防止使用多行字符串 'no-multiple-empty-lines': [2, { max: 1 }], // 最多一个空行 'no-native-reassign': 2, // 不允许修改只读全局变量 'no-new-object': 2, // 不允许使用Object构造函数 'no-new-require': 2, // 消除new require表达的使用 'no-new-symbol': 2, // 防止Symbol与...
Common packages for building Azure extensions for VS Code - vscode-azuretools/appservice/src/deleteSite.ts at 5e799af4ccd70ba73c09eb67c099a2bc414a5e79 · microsoft/vscode-azuretools
Charts from datagridview in VB.Net Check combobox value is selected Check connection to SQL server when application starts Check for blank space inside text box Check for empty or blank lines while reading a text file Check for open Excel file in all running instances of Excel using VB ...
Prettier 是一个很有特色的代码格式化工具,它可以使整个代码库的格式化过程自动化。因此在设置好 Prettier 之后,你不再需要与同事讨论代码格式化规则、分号、换行符等问题了。它会导入你所有代码,删除所有格式,并根据其样式规则重新格式化代码。 安装ESlint插件 ...
I have this richtextbox which get its text from an online html source, but I don't need the last three lines, so is there a way to get the three last lines and delete them? Thank you ;) Try this using a hidden listbox: 展开表 1 Dim lst As New ListBox 2 Private Sub Button...
Type: Bug Within the integrated terminal, ctrl+backspace does not delete entire word as it is in Windows Terminal. It does not work in either CMD or PS. CMD: ctrl+backspace only deletes one character. PS: ctrl+backspace prints ^W. Log fr...
.vscode Remove lint dependency ufmt (pytorch#132573) Aug 4, 2024 android [BE][Easy][1/19] enforce style for empty lines in import segments (py… Jul 16, 2024 aten [BE] Use nested namespace in ATen/native/cuda (pytorch#136570) Sep 25, 2024 benchmarks Revert "Increase update_hint_re...
Check for empty or blank lines while reading a text file Check for open Excel file in all running instances of Excel using VB Check if a program is installed Check if an excel file is opened by another user Check if dataset values are NULL Check if File is Open Check if ListView Conta...
Charts from datagridview in VB.Net Check combobox value is selected Check connection to SQL server when application starts Check for blank space inside text box Check for empty or blank lines while reading a text file Check for open Excel file in all running instances of Excel using VB Check...