宏代码如下:Sub mynzDeleteEmptyRows()Dim Counter Dim i As Integer Counter = InputBox("输入要处理的总行数!")ActiveCell.Select For i = 1 To Counter If ActiveCell = "" Then Selection.EntireRow.Delete Counter = Counter - 1 Else ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select End If Next i End...
This works by having a message box pop up in excel and then asking you how many rows, below and including the cell you selected, you want to check for and delete if it contains an empty cell within that column.Sub mynzDeleteEmptyRows()'此宏将删除特定列中缺失数据行 Dim Counter Dim i ...
This works by having a message box pop up in excel and then asking you how many rows, below and including the cell you selected, you want to check for and delete if it contains an empty cell within that column. Sub mynzDeleteEmptyRows() '此宏将删除特定列中缺失数据行 Dim Counter Dim ...
1 如下Excel中,有一份学生成绩数据表。现在,由于对每个学生增加了成绩备注项,要在每个学生成绩记录后添加一行新纪录,如A下面增加A1行,B下面增加B1行,以此类推;2 假如使用鼠标点击操作,则需要选择学生A的记录,右键,点击插入,再输入A1,同样创建B1行、C1行…,这样的操作即麻烦又容易出错。在此,我们使用...
Excel VBA and Macro Examples Advanced VBA Techniques Working with the Ribbon Working with Ranges Excel Macro: Copy and Paste a Range Excel Macro: Delete Blank or Empty Columns Excel Macro: Delete Blank or Empty Rows Excel Macro: Highlight the Active Row and Column Excel Macro: Insert Blank ...
从上面的代码可以看出,Excel VBA使用Delete方法删除工作表。 Delete方法 删除工作表,其语法如下: 工作表对象.Delete 说明: 该方法返回一个Boolean值。 删除工作表时,Excel会默认显示一个提示用户来确认删除操作的对话框。如果用户单击“取消”...
Excel中VBA insert and delete rows插入删除数据行 每个旧记录后添加一行新纪录 Selection.Insert shift代码 批量删除不需要的数据行 Selection.Delete shift代码 批量隐藏操作 Rows(I).Hidden代码 方法/步骤 1 如下Excel中,有一份学生成绩数据表。现在,由于对每个学生增加了成绩备注项,要在每个学生成绩记录...
expression.Delete(Shift)expression 必需。该表达式返回上述对象之一。 Shift XlDeleteShiftDirection 类型,可选。仅用于 Range 对象。指定如何移动单元格来代替删除的单元格。最近不断的免费发送Excel VBA的实例教程,有需要Excel源代码的请评论区留言、点击关注和转发,然后直接私信回复:源代码 部分实例图:
Excel VBA Delete方法删除单元格,注意删除方向 实例. Delete方法删除单元格 Delete方法删除单元格或者单元格区域,其下面的单元格或者右边的单元格会往上或者往左移动进来补充。 示例代码: #001 Public Sub 示例() #002 '复制Sheet2表A1单元格区域数据到Sheet1表A1单元格...
你是要用数字来判断吗?可以试试:Columns(Chr(65) & ":" & Chr(65)).Delete