The index also supports the following special values: TCAPLUS_API_LIST_PRE_FIRST_INDEX(-2): it means that the new element is inserted before the first element TCAPLUS_API_LIST_LAST_INDEX(-1): it means that the new element is inserted a...
Element information See also The Delete element identifies a single item to delete in the local client store.SyncFolderItemsResponse ResponseMessages SyncFolderItemsResponseMessage Changes (Items) Delete (ItemSync)XML Kopírovať <Delete> <ItemId/> </Delete> SyncFolder...
withUserProperties public DeleteActivity withUserProperties(List userProperties) Set the userProperties property: Activity user properties. Overrides: DeleteActivity.withUserProperties(List<UserProperty> userProperties) Parameters: userProperties Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest...
addJavaFileComment mgbcompilationUnit Java文件注释 addComment mgbxmlElement Xml节点注释 addRootComment mgbrootElement Xml根节点注释 addFieldComment mgbfieldintrospectedTableintrospectedColumn Java 字段注释(非生成Model对应表字段时,introspectedColumn可能不存在) addModelClassComment mgbtopLevelClassintrospectedTable...
EncryptionSettingsElement EncryptionSettingsElementOutput ExtendedLocation ExtendedLocationOutput 延伸模組 ExtensionOutput GalleriesCreateOrUpdate GalleriesCreateOrUpdate200Response GalleriesCreateOrUpdate201Response GalleriesCreateOrUpdate202Response GalleriesCreateOrUpdateBodyParam GalleriesCreateOrUpdateDefaultResponse Gall...
RunCommandListResult RunCommandManagedIdentity RunCommandParameterDefinition RunCommandResult ScaleInPolicy ScheduledEventsProfile SecurityEncryptionTypes SecurityPostureReference SecurityProfile SecurityTypes SelectPermissions ServiceArtifactReference SettingNames ShareInfoElement SharedGalleryDataDiskImage SharedGalleryDiskImage ...
Antwortelemente Wenn die Aktion erfolgreich ist, gibt der Dienst eine HTTP 200-Antwort mit leerem HTTP-Textinhalt zurück. Fehler InvalidInputException Geben Sie einen gültigen Wert für das Feld oder den Parameter an. HTTP Status Code: 400 ResourceInUseException Die angegebene Ressource ...
Erforderlich: Ja Antwortelemente Wenn die Aktion erfolgreich ist, gibt der Dienst eine HTTP 200-Antwort mit leerem HTTP-Textinhalt zurück. Fehler InvalidInputException Geben Sie einen gültigen Wert für das Feld oder den Parameter an.
These options are removed from the Java configuration java—config element or the profiler profiler element of the domain.xml file. To see the Java application launcher options that can be deleted, use the list-jvm-options(1) subcommand.
<if test="(index % 999) ==998"> NUll) or id in (</if>'${id}' </foreach> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. insert batch操作 批量插入操作 <insert id="insertBatch" parameterType="list"> insert INTO test (id,name,age) VALUES <foreach ...