I checked the documentation. Issue miniforge/mambaforge has a GUI installer on Windows, and is also available in winget. Problem is, when user tries to update it by running new version of installer, or bywinget upgrade <...>, orwinget upgrade --all, the installer deletes the current in...
Delete the environment Wait a big for the deletion process to complete note the total storage size hasn't changed. I'm sure there is a better method for those with a local dev deployment of conda-store. This is just from the UI. ...
conda envlist# check the environment nameconda deactivate your_envronment_name# stop the environmentconda remove --name your_envronment_name --all# delete the environment
cli_install.check_prefix(prefix, json=args.json)# TODO, add capability# common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args)# channel_urls = args.channel or ()# # special case for empty environment# if not env.dependencies:# from conda.install import symlink_conda# symlink_conda(prefix, con...
mkdir -p test/i-do-not-want-to-delete-this-dir conda create -n i-do-not-want-to-delete-this-dir python cd test # run this, the environment gets removed and the directory is not touched conda env remove -n i-do-not-want-to-delete-this-dir # run it again, the directory is remov...
I ran into this issue with conda 4.3.30 running on Redhat 6.10. Turns out I had the environment active in another terminal window. Deactivating all instances of the environment allowed me to delete the environment. Sorry, something went wrong. ...
An example of environment setup is shown below: Linux: $ source <CONDA_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/activate $ conda create -y -n <CONDA_NAME> $ conda activate <CONDA_NAME> Windows: $ source <CONDA_INSTALL_DIR>\Scripts\activate.bat $ conda create -y -n <CONDA_NAME> $ conda activate <CONDA...