启用blob 软删除你可以使用 Azure 门户、PowerShell 或 Azure CLI 随时启用或禁用存储帐户的软删除。Portal PowerShell Azure CLI 模板 使用Azure 门户创建新存储帐户时会默认启用 Blob 软删除。 创建新存储帐户时启用或禁用 blob 软删除的设置位于“数据保护”选项卡上。有关创建存储帐户的详细信息,请参阅创建存储...
{ "type":"AzureBlobStorageReadSettings", "recursive":false, "deleteFilesAfterCompletion":false }, "formatSettings":{ "type":"BinaryReadSettings" }, "recursive":false }, "sink":{ "type":"BinarySink", "storeSettings":{ "type":"AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings" } }, "enableStaging":false, "...
程序集: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob v11.2.3 重载 展开表 BeginDelete(DeleteSnapshotsOption, AccessCondition, BlobRequestOptions, OperationContext, AsyncCallback, Object) 开始异步操作以删除 Blob。 BeginDelete(AsyncCallback, Object) 开始异步操作以删除 Blob。
https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?versionid=<DateTime> HTTP/1.1 Emulated storage service URI When you make a request against the emulated storage service, specify the emulator hostname and Azure Blob Storage port as, followed by the emulated storage accou...
Blob soft delete does not protect against the deletion of a storage account. To protect a storage account from deletion, configure a lock on the storage account resource. For more information about locking a storage account, seeApply an Azure Resource Manager lock to a storage account. ...
在Azure Blob 存储中,这样的文件夹不存在。它只是 blob 名称的前缀。例如,如果您看到一个名为images的文件夹,并且它包含一个名为myfile.png的 blob,那么基本上 blob 的名称是images/myfile.png因为文件夹并不真正存在(它们是虚拟的),所以您不能直接删除文件夹。
但缺少DeleteIfExists方法EN我用BlobTrigger模板创建了一个新的带有blob触发器的C# Azure函数。
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support for the Azure Storage Services Formatting DateTime Values Status and Error Codes Blob Service REST API Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API Queue Service REST API Overview Queue Service Concepts Operations on the Account (Queue Service) ...
Role to clone: I would be choosing is <Storage Blob Data Contributor> as it inclines more to the custom role that I would create. You could choose any other roles to clone as per your use case. Step 4: Under the Permissions Tab, I would be altering the permissions...
To enable soft delete using the Azure Portal, navigate to the “Soft delete” option under “Blob Service”. Then click “Enabled” and enter the number of days you want to retain soft deleted data. For more details on the feature see thesoft delete documentationas well as thissoft delete...