It’s good to be wary of scams, but in this case, it’s real. You need to update your Quest login to use a Meta account or you’ll lose access to all the games, apps, and downloadable content you’ve purchased, as well as your friends list and other Oculus account ...
Calling code behind function from a html button calling code behind function from javascript Calling CSS class in javascript Calling Function Ajax or Jquery from Controller Method Action Calling function/sub using onclick calling OnClientClick function from the code behind page via OnClick Calling Pa...
}$this->Upload->create();$this->Upload->save($upload); $file->id =$this->Upload->getLastInsertID();unset($file->deleteUrl);unset($file->deleteType);// account for apps installed in subdir of webroot$file->url = Router::url($file->url);if(isset($file->thumbnailUrl)) { $file-...
"Hey, we're still opening up but anyone can join with an invite from an existing user!" read the page where the privacy policy once stood. Not great.Credit: screenshot / clubhouse The privacy policy and terms of service are once again live on the site, without any obvious changes. ...
在Rails中,默认情况下,该机制已经启用,可以通过检查config/application.rb文件中的protect_from_forgery配置项来确认。 在前端页面中嵌入CSRF令牌。Rails提供了一个辅助方法csrf_meta_tags,可以在HTML的<head>标签中生成CSRF令牌。在表单中使用<%= csrf_meta_tags %>即可。 在后端控制器中验证CSRF令牌。Rails会自动...
Deleting your Facebook account also deletes all your Meta Quest information. When you delete your account, Facebook gives you a cooling-off period. You can log in to your account within 30 days to retrieve your account data or reactivate it. It means if you're determined to permanently del...
If you use Facebook to log into Meta Quest, that data, such as your purchases and achievements, will also be deleted from your FB account. You won't be able to return any apps and will lose store credits if you have any. You won't be able to use Facebook login information for ...
Errors when running Apps in ASP.NET MVC CORE Escape or handle special character "(double-quote) in XSLT event 1316 Viewstate verification failed. Reason: The viewstate supplied failed integrity check Event ID 0 EventID 1309 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. Ex: The UTC time...
net C# using secret questn? How to implement reCaptcha v3 in ASP.NET IIS Sites How to implement Session Time out warning counter for a web app that is designed using ASP.NET (VB.NET) How to implement survey in C# How to Import data from CSV to GridView in ASP.Net how to include ...