左边多的盘符我没删过,我删的是文档/视频之类的那6个文件夹。不过按理说delegate这个名字包括的都不是核心功能,“这台电脑”下的盘符会以标准driver的形式一直存在,除非用专门隐藏驱动器的工具改注册表 === 删过几十次了,没任何影响。不过每次系统更新(升级版本号的那种)后就要重新删一次 导航...
win10 注册表删除 Delegate Folders 会对系统有影响不?下pe工具做了个启动盘,导航窗格就开始显示两个一样的盘符,里边内容也一样。。虽然不影响操作 但是看着烦,从网上找的解决方案实践是检验问题的唯一标准。。更新
This is a delegate for an event in the corresponding object. After implementing a callback method for the event, use this delegate to connect the callback method to the event. If there are multiple versions of the event interface, this delegate connects
This is a delegate for an event in the corresponding object. After implementing a callback method for the event, use this delegate to connect the callback method to the event. If there are multiple versions of the event interface, this delegate connects
win10 注册表删除 Delegate Folders 会对系统有影响不?下pe工具做了个启动盘,导航窗格就开始显示两个一样的盘符,里边内容也一样。。虽然不影响操作 但是看着烦,从网上找的解决方案我是打杂工程师,但是操作系统应用层面的问题涉猎不多 更新
Learn more about the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.FoldersEvents_SinkHelper.m_FolderChangeDelegate in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook namespace.
详细了解 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook 命名空间中的 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.FoldersEvents_SinkHelper.m_FolderRemoveDelegate。
Saiba mais sobre Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.FoldersEvents_SinkHelper.m_FolderAddDelegate no namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.