public class InMemoryEventPublisher : IEventPublisher { public Task Publish<TEvent>(TEvent @event) where TEvent : IEvent { if (@event == null) return Task.CompletedTask; if (MemoryMq.eventQueueDict == null) { MemoryMq.eventQueueDict = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEvent>(); } Memory...
I use the popUtil extension Stuck on go_router 14.1.0, but it fine on go_router 13 and before. By log , I found routerDelegate.currentConfiguration.matches.last.matchedLocation has no immediate change after pop()。 extension GoRouterExt o...
When you set the DelegateWasteBasketStyle registry key to 4, Outlook tries to move the deleted calendar item to the Deleted Items folder of the owner's mailbox, which just like you create an item in the Deleted Items folder. So, we need to grant the delegate at least author level permiss...
with the same error: [libprotobuf FATAL google/protobuf/io/] CHECK failed: (count) <= (buffer_used_): Can't back up over more bytes than were returned by the last call to Next(). libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type google::pro...
In this instance it seems that some DNS look up continued to fail for an APNs connection, noted by the apsd process name at the start of each line. For anyone else seeing the "APNS delegate never fired" error for you device it would be helpful you can capture the log as well. I rec...