AVMusicTrackLoopCount AVMutableAssetDownloadStorageManagementPolicy AVMutableAudioMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters AVMutableComposition AVMutableComposition_AVMutableCompositionTrackInspection AVMutableCompositionTrack AVMutableDateRangeMetadataGroup AVMutableMediaSelection AVMutableMetadataItem AVMutableTimedMetadataGroup...
If a candidate's estimate is right around the 15% threshold, they may cross it in some simulations and fall short in others. Our simulation provides a ceiling and a floor for each candidate's possible delegate count. There are a couple of important caveats about this method. First, we are...
This page publishes an up-to-date delegate count for the 2024 primaries. Democrats require 1947 delegates to secure the nomination. Here is where it currently stands. A Flourish chart (03/13/2024)Biden passed the delegate threshold and became the presumptive nominee. ...