There is also a resistance against that, butwith less visibility.Ricardo Pimentel MélloRicardo Pimentel MélloLuísa Escher FurtadoLuísa Escher FurtadoUniversidade Federal de Juiz de ForaGerais Revista Interinstitucional De Psicologia
GENDERVIOLENCEThis research is about gender violence in the municipality of Bragana, Amazonia Paraense, and the practices of the Specialized Police Department for Women (DEAM) Bragana / PRO PAZ Integrated - 6th Integrated Region of Public Security...
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Analise da Conversa Etnometodologica; Etnografia; Linguistica Aplicada; organizacao sequencial e busca da verdade.Debora Marques. A tentativa de construcao sequencial da verdade num interrogatorio policial da Delegacia de Repressao a Crimes Contra...