Objective: The aim of this study is to measure the DIP joint angle of the little finger and presence of degenerative changes in the DIP joint in Basque hand-pelota players and compare it with the general Spanish population. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study. We studied both hands ...
Rend Fis Acc Lincei; 9: 5-17.↵ Gorga R , Mottana A . Il clinocrisotilo nelle serpentiniti amiantifere del giacimento di Dossi Franscia in Val Brutta (Alpi Retiche, Italia) . Rend Fis Acc Lincei 1997 ; 9 : 5 - 17 .
process and device for feeding, delcomplesso clindro - piston for the provision, is adjustable within an office, pasty material.particularly for padding of stuffed and the like, where the functions of charging and pressurizing are rapid.
Treacher collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis): Del Campo AF, Elizondo MM, Arnaud E. Clin Plast Surg 21:613, 1994 - ScienceDirecttreacher collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis): del campo af, elizondo mm, arnaud e. clin plast surg 21:613, 1994...
the results showed that the incorporation of clinoptololite improved the quality of the materials deposit on glass substrates by bringing a better adherence and also increased the efficiency of the degradation process by up 10%.M.E. Trujillo-Camacho...
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TRH-T in spastic paraparesis: C. Crisci, L. Pelosi, B. Lanzillo, F. Lullo, M. Pappone and G. Caruso (Fondazione Clin. del Lavoro, Centro Medico, Campoli M.T., Dept. Clin. Neurophysiol, 2nd School of Medicine, University of Naples, Naples, Italy)...
Fe de errores de Recomendaciones para el abordaje multidisciplinar del complejo esclerosis tuberosa [MedClin(Barc)147(5) (2016) 211–216]To review the mechanisms of cell death (CD) in the developing brain after hypoxia-ischemia (HI). The possibility of limiting the CD which occurs in ...