delay_us(unsigned int n){ int i;for(i=0;i<n;i++){ _nop_();_nop_();} } 大概就是这样的咯。_nop_();就是一个空指令
void delay_us(u32 nus){ u32 ticks;u32 told,tnow,tcnt=0;u32 reload=SysTick->LOAD; /...
The Leveling Delay field contains the amount of time that a task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date as a result of resource leveling. Task leveling delay is expressed in elapsed duration units, while assignment leveling delay is expressed in regular duration units. No inf...
Adds a simple delay to ensure the HDC302x device is ready before attempting to initialize it. This was brought up in this forum thread: Datasheet shows a several ms delay for both power on and reset: This PR uses the most conservative ...
Potential fix for #2. This adds a fixed delay between the triggering of an on demand measurement and the reading back of the value. A single value of 20ms is used, which should be a conservative wo...
PARANDUS: SNACFG/DLURRETRYDELAY ei tööta suurem kui 255 sekundit viivitus Applies ToHost Integration Server 2016 Host Integration Server 2013 Sümptomid Kujutage ette järgmist stsenaariumi. Kasutate käsuviiba utiliiti SNACFG. (See utiliit ...
Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8 või Windows Server 2012 keskkonnas, muudate ajastatud toimingu kasutamine onRandomDelayparameeter. Siiski pärast selle muudatuse tegemist ülesanne ei pruugi töötada ootuspäraselt. ...
Skype ' i ärirakenduses 2016 EnableDelayPostingOfDeferredCOMEvents lubamise lõpuleviimine Applies ToSkype for Business 2016 Sümptomid Pärast seda, kui lubate Microsoft Skype ' i ärirakenduse 2016 EnableDelayPostingOfDeferredCOMEvents suv...
Bionusadded a commit that referenced this issueJun 13, 2018 Disable JSON API for Sankaku (issue#1300) 41edebd Owner BionuscommentedJun 14, 2018 I disabled the JSON API by default in 6.0.3. As for the delay, it's induced by the login done every time Grabber starts. At start-up, Gra...