Polarity Audio 发布了Reverb & Delay Calculator,这是一款免费的 VST3 和 Audio Units 插件,可帮助你计算混响、延时甚至释放时间的基本参数。你只需将插件插入任何立体声音轨即可。计算会自动与项目的节奏同步,为你提供实时、准确的结果,无需猜测。 该插件提供混响和延时设置参数: Reverb 混响计算 混响类型 从各种混...
Time-it Delay Calculator
In their work, the sound engineer and composer have to find the music delay time required to tune the sound processing. The Delay Calculator & Metronome automatically calculates delay times in milliseconds for whole notes, dotted notes, and trios by setting the BPM (Beats Per Minute) value. Qu...
总之,Polarity Audio的Reverb & Delay Calculator是一款极具实用性的音频数学计算工具,它能够帮助每位音乐制作人轻松倒推音乐的深度与宽度,为每一段旋律和音符赋予空间感。现在就访问Polarity Audio的官方网站免费下载这款插件,开启你的音频制作之旅吧!
许多早期用户对Reverb & Delay Calculator插件给予了高度赞扬。他们指出,插件的界面直观易用,不论是新手还是资深工程师,都能够迅速上手并有效地提升混音效率。一位用户说道:“这款插件让我在音频处理上节省了大量时间,再也不用担心混响和延迟的设置了,只需关注音乐本身。” ...
A thorough validation and tuning of Cadence's new delay calculator called Advanced Analysis Engine (AAE) is a key part of itsdevelopment and productization. Most of the accuracy validations performed internally and by customers use sets of small hand-created circuits withdifferent...
App Store Preview Tempus - Delay Calculator You Might Also Like Delay Calculator & Metronome Music Beep Buddy Music LFOH! Music Delay Wiz Music Decibel Display Music DelayTool: BPM Calculator Music Filterjam Music MusicMath Music Sub Align Music Sample Crate Music ...
iPhone Screenshots Description Made especially for music producers, mixing engineers, live sound tech, musicians or anyone using reverb/delay plug-ins or hardware. Find delay/reverb time based on BPM. Enter your song's BPM (Beats per minute) value, pick a note or bar value, and this app wi...
You can get between €250 and €600 for a missed connection, depending on the distance of your flight. Want to know how much exactly? Try our flight delay compensation calculator above – orfill a compensation claimto start the process of getting your money back now. ...
什么是Reverb & Delay Calculator? Polarity Audio的这款插件是专为混音和编曲而设计的一款智能工具,旨在帮助用户轻松计算混响时间、预延迟与释放时间等关键参数。只需简单将它插入你的立体声轨道,它便会自动与项目的节奏同步,实时提供精准的计算结果。哇,科技感满满!