Delaware Senate Approves Bill That Would Ban Human Reproductive Cloning, Allow Research CloningDelaware State NewsNews Journal
The insurance requirements laid out in Senate Bill 262 ensure that all parties involved are covered beyond the driver’s personal insurance policy, which will not provide enough coverage in the event of an accident.Compare Insurance Providers Rates to Save Up to 75%...
DOVER, Del. (AP) — TheDelawareSenate gave final approval Thursday to a bill allowing the composting of human bodies as an alternative to burial or cremation. The measure passed on a 14-7 vote and now goes to Democratic Gov. John Carney. The legislation ...
Delaware bank ins. bill loses in Senate - but is still alive.Schwartz, Matthew
Pennsylvania Senate panel approves bill to give agency control of Delaware ports. (Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, Delaware River Port Authority, Delaware River ports)Dickson, Steven
Bill That Would Ban Human Reproductive Cloning, Allow Research Released to Delaware SenateNews Journal
Pennsylvania Senate passes Port Authority bill. (allocation of extended powers to Delaware River Port Authority)Dickson, Steven
The role of the Senate wasconceivedby theFounding Fathersas a check on the popularly electedHouse of Representatives. Thus, each state, regardless of size or population, is equally represented. Further, until theSeventeenth Amendmentof the Constitution (1913), election to the Senate was indirect, ...