Delaware resources for mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery. The help you need is here. ContacttodownloadacopyoftheGuidetoServicesforOlderDelawareansand PersonswithDisabilities •DelawareHelpline(StatewideInformationforhealthandhumanservices programs) 1-800-464-4357 •Dial2-1-1forothersocialservicesintheStateofDelaware ...
1 1.1. Delaware Cancer Registry ...1 1.1.1. Reporting Facilities ...1 1.1.2. Data Confidentiality ...
dhss.delaware.govは、 January 2025と比較して合計訪問数が多かった。 合計訪問数70.3K263.3K 前月の変化25.92%3.91% 平均滞在時間00:07:5400:02:37 ページビュー/訪問10.913.71 直帰率28.46%57.83% ...
Keywords: Bakken; bitumen; dilbit; risk assessment; oil spill; response; preparedness; endangered species; threatened species; consensus; human health 1. Introduction Crude oils produced by unconventional methods in North America have become marketable resources used to meet energy demand in the United...