DOVER, Del. - An administrator at a Delaware prep school whose graduates include U.S. Sen. Chris Coons and television personality Dr. Oz has been charged with dealing child pornography. William R. Ushler, 53, was arrested Tuesday, the same day authorities executed search warrants at his Wilm...
Define Delawarean. Delawarean synonyms, Delawarean pronunciation, Delawarean translation, English dictionary definition of Delawarean. n. pl. Delaware or Del·a·wares 1. A member of a group of closely related Native American peoples formerly inhabiting
With a population of approximately 960,000 people, Delaware’s contribution to the U.S. economy is small at 0.4% of GDP. Over the next few years, the state is projected to improve upon those numbers. An analysis provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysi
DOVER, Del. (AP) — Delaware Gov. John Carney said Friday that he will allow bills legalizing recreational marijuana use by adults in the state and authorizing the establishment of a state-licensed and regulated cannabis industry to become law without his signature. The Democratic governor'...
, 56, Dover, Delaware, is the subject of new charges when a federal grand jury released a superseding indictment with additional fraud and money-laundering offenses.
Lisa Blunt Rochester is the only Black woman to have represented Delaware in the U.S. House of Representatives, where she served four terms (2017–25). In 2024 she was elected the state’s first Black senator. Blunt Rochester is a Democrat.
Delaware State Police Museum is dedicated to the history of the Delaware State Police. This history includes solemn chapters recalling the life and death of Troopers whose lives were cut short while in service to this great nation. We provide an educati
Sharron Xuanren.WangDepartment of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Delaware State University, Dover, DE USA.Nicole Bell.RogersDepartment of Nursing, Delaware State University, Dover, DE USA.Melissa.HarringtonDepartment of Biology, Delaware State University, Dover, DE USA.Dorothy.Dillard...
EXHIBIT A Master Service List Served via First Class Mail NAME Ballard Spahr LLP Buchalter Nemer a Professional Corporation Delaware Department of Justice Delaware Secretary of State Delaware Secretary of Treasury Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP GE Information Technology Solutions Inc fdba IKON Financial ...
7.4 For employees working within the United States, it shall be the affirmative responsibility of each applicant to produce clear and convincing evidence of his or her United States citizenship; lawful status granted by the United States Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service; or...