Alternatively, Delaware LLCs can choose to elect to be taxed as an S corporation (S corp) or C corporation (C corp). If S corporation tax status is elected, LLC members can be taxed as employees of the business, potentially reducing tax burden....
In order to formally and legally close a corporation, aCertificate of Dissolutionmust be filed. At the time of filing the dissolution, all past and currently due Franchise Tax Fees must be paid. Once the dissolution filing has been approved by the state of Delaware, no further Franchise Tax ...
Certificate Reciting...(A Certificate issued by a state official that will recite a specific name change, merger, dissolution or any other type of filing) $120.00 Certified Copy of all documents on file up to 10 pages ( plus $2.00 for each additional page) (See expedited services for same...
The Delaware Litigation Attorneys at The Rosner Law Group have years of experience providing successful legal representation for bankruptcy, corporate transactions and commercial litigation.
In addition, we handle business litigation matters for our clients in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, the Delaware Chancery Court, and the Delaware Superior Court, including contract disputes, corporate dissolution/trusteeship matters, and D&O litigation. ...
VALIS charges no creation, processing, or filing fees for your company formation. Free is a great place to start if you don't need a bank account, or already have a US Office (not a box). USBPP provides you with everything you need to qualify for the FDIC insured, brick and morta...
Examples include Name Amendments, Restated Certificates of Incorporation, Stock Amendments and even Cancellation/Dissolution certificates. The document copy lists the type of document being certified and the date that the document was filed with the state. The Certified Copy contains the state seal and...
Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act (DRULPA).Among the DRULPA provisions amended are those concerning the ability to amend or adopt partnership agreements in connection with a merger or consolidation, the revocation of termination or dissolution of a protected or re...
C Corporation Nonprofit Resources Renew Registered Agent Filing Times What Makes Us Different Testimonials Entity Comparison Chart LLC State Info Corporate State Info Corporate/LLC Kit Get Bizee Podcast Support Contact Affiliates Sitemap Cancellation Policy ...
Forming a new business entity in Delaware entails filing a formation document, paying fees, getting a registered agent, and much more.