必应词典为您提供delamination的释义,美[diˌlæmə'neɪʃən],英[di:læmɪ'neɪʃən],n. 分层; 网络释义: 脱层;起鳞;剥离;
Delaminationcaused by electrical - over - stress ( EOS ) and moisture expansion during reflow soldering have shown differentdelaminationpatterns. 由过电应力 ( EOS ) 和再流焊中的水汽膨胀引起的分层会显示出不同的失效模式. 互联网 These inner and outer factors cause interfacedelamination, which is more...
The meaning of DELAMINATION is separation into constituent layers.
沪江词库精选delamination是什么意思、英语单词推荐 英音 [di:læmi'neiʃən] ; 美音 [di:læmi'neiʃən] ; 层离,脱层,离层,分层,分层剥离 相似短语 morular delamination 桑椹胚分层 delamination of plywood 胶合板开胶 相似单词 delamination 层离,脱层,离层,分层,分层剥离 ...
Define delamination. delamination synonyms, delamination pronunciation, delamination translation, English dictionary definition of delamination. n. 1. The act of splitting or separating a laminate into layers. 2. Embryology The splitting of the blastoder
delamination翻译delamination翻译 delamination翻译成中文是:分层 例句: It is shown that the compliance method for determining the delamination size in DCLS specimens is not only convenient and practical but also accurate. 结果表明,用柔度法测定dcls试样的分层尺寸,不仅测量结果Байдуномынсан...
Delamination definition: a splitting apart into layers.. See examples of DELAMINATION used in a sentence.
Max Gardner - Delamination
delamination[英][di:læmɪ'neɪʃən][美][di:ˌlæmə'neɪʃən]n.分层,分叶; 层离; 起鳞;例句:Delamination in composite materials reduces structural strength and is a serious defect.复合材料的脱层降低了结构强度,是...