Complejo Turistico La Carola Conformado por Casa Corona, Amani, Glamping y La Fortaleza, Norcasia, 哥伦比亚显示地图 阿马尼的Brisas生态酒店位于诺尔卡西亚,地处郊区,距离马格达雷纳河 25.6 英里(41.1 公里),距离西蒙玻利瓦尔公园 27.6 英里(44.4 公里)。查看更多 ...
Sciamani, predatori e prede nella letteratura italiana contemporanea. Demistificazione e topos del poeta-cacciatoredoi:10.5209/cfit.73893ITALYPALEOLITHIC PeriodSHAMANISMHUNTERSPOETSPREDATORY animalsSHAMANSThe context in which the topos of the poet as a hunter is hereby analyzed is the situation i...