Singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey and musician Shannon Leto kindled a brief romantic spark in 2012. Leto, who gained fame as the drummer of alternative rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars, reportedly charmed Del Rey with his bohemian perspective on life and music. Their alliance, characterized by mut...
Shannon Wow. That is a fantastic post. Thank you. Rispondi M Asif Rahman Thats an really useful article. Thanks! Rispondi Peter Shanks My favourite is, which searches flickr for Creative Commons licensed images and also has an online image editor on images th...
It means the world to us and you are all forever a part of The Firefly. Janet & Matt Ziemski. Maureen Kelly, James Kelly, Colleen & David Van Tassel, Lindsey & Mike Foundos, Sorah Lee, Shannon Baucom, Loren & Anthony Castro, Rebecca & Steve Lykudis, MomMom & Pop Pop May(Richard a...
《水底情深》中Michael Shannon飾演的實驗室暴君Richard Stricklandy在初入研究室時,就點出了逮到怪物的源地:一條位於南美洲的河流——而那恰巧與悠遊於亞馬遜地區的黑湖半人魚相符合。 4 影像即現場 福斯娛樂 當《水底情深》在多倫多國際影展華麗登場時,首映場選擇在「埃爾金與冬季花園劇院」播放。有趣的是,劇中...