Use advanced search and lists to develop comps Research box office trends and see MOVIEmeter ranks Try IMDbPro Premium for free See more membership options Already a member?Log In Pacific Blue Deja Vu(Season 2, Episode 11) TV-PG TV Episode|45 min|Action, Crime, Drama ...
Research box office trends and see MOVIEmeter ranks See more membership options Already a member?Log In Thief Takers Deja Vu(Season 2, Episode 8) TV Episode|Crime, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Frank McGrath, an armed robber with a grudge against D.I. Scott, is released following the collaps...
Deja Vu: Directed by Tony Scott. With Denzel Washington, Paula Patton, Val Kilmer, Jim Caviezel. After a ferry is bombed in New Orleans, an A.T.F. agent joins a unique investigation using experimental surveillance technology to find the bomber, but soon
Déjà Vu is a good movie thriller with elements of time travel. Classic film with Denzel Washington. The film has both great action and elements of fiction. I believe in what is happening little, but the film itself keeps at the screen. If you like movies with Denzel Washington, then thi...
The movie has a strong sense of deja vu about it (= is similar to other movies and does not contain new ideas). 这部影片给人一种强烈的似曾相识的感觉。 Her choice of hat, in particular, is giving us a case of fashion deja vu. ...
Deja Vu 这篇剧评可能有剧透 #BFI# #LFF# #Cult# Deja vu,影展只有头两集,很可惜第二季没看完,所以有些梗还是接不住。不过以老阿姨吐槽开场也大概知道第二季没讲完。开场的风格让我以为走错了片场,蓝色冷光充斥全场,高清的画面让我有些迷茫。随着阿姨走到医院门口,就仿佛代表着我们观众准备参与到这场盛宴...
人不如狗是有目共睹的,但不代表要你把狗拍成人:自恋老白男下凡亚文化体验边缘人生不成反造出极度失败的《小丑》仿作,Let's Joker Deja vu! 这篇影评可能有剧透 前言:道格拉斯无法控制双腿行走,亚瑟无法控制自己的微笑,而我无法控制自己在看《狗神》时不想起《小丑》。10年前我看这部电影绝对会一把鼻涕一把泪,...
Deja Vu: Arvindh Srinivasan द्वारा निर्देशित. Arulnithi, Chetan, Mime Gopi, Achyuth Kumar के साथ. एक अंडरकवर अधिकारी जो एक गु
平时经常会在歌词或者歌名中看到“deja vu”,它到底是啥意思呢?小编之前一直以为它是从日语来的,意思是没关系(呆胶布),误会大了。其实,“deja vu”来源于法语,意思是曾经见过。 deja vu 似曾经历过的感觉;似曾相识的感觉 deja vu: the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is...
翻译结果: deja vu是一个法语短语,直译为“已经见过”,在英语中的意思是“似曾相识”,形容一种似乎之前已经经历过现在正在发生事情的感觉。 应用场景:这个短语通常在日常对话、文学作品或心理学讨论中使用,用于描述人们有时会有的一种奇特体验,即感觉当前的情境或事件仿佛之前已经...