DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. It is based on the idea that recruiting and supporting workers of various backgrounds is integral to a company’s success, and encompasses policies and initiatives designed to help all employees feel welcomed and equipped to perform their jobs at a...
At Deloitte, diversity, equity, and inclusion are core to our values. From the moment our people walk in the door through each development opportunity, they are empowered to show up authentically, grow to their full potential, and live purposeful lives. Maximizing our collective impact At Deloitt...
Greg Brown, Motorola Solutions Chairman & CEO Signed the “CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion” pledge on behalf of Motorola Solutions
While many businesses have focused on becoming more diverse and inclusive, there remains a continued need for actionable, data-based research in advancing equitable outcomes. The focus on equity—with measurable and meaningful outcomes has become increasingly critical. At Deloitte, we believe, as a p...
引 言多元、公平和包容(Diversity,Equity and Inclusion,简称DEI),指具备不同种族、民族、宗教、性别和能力等多元背景的员工在组织中能够获得尊重感、包容感和公平的机会。对于企业而言,可持续的商业系统离不开人和人的行为,对ESG有战略规划和绩效追求的企业都需要关
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) mean more than doing what’s right, following what’s trending. DEI is simply essential to thriving, growing organisations. Creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture has been core to TEKsystems for years. Our robust team of DEI leaders head init...
Being a place where people matter is central to our purpose of helping communities stay healthy, fed, clean and safe. We are committed to fostering a safe and sustainable environment that values diversity, equity and inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are key to building a more connected world. At Silicon Labs, we strive to foster an inclusive environment for everyone.
多元、平等及共融 (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion "DEI") 对我们的发展是当务之急。知识资本是我们对客户的核心贡献,而思想多元和观点各异更有锦上添花的作用。为此,我们营造共融文化的环境,重视每个人的独特才能和贡献。 DEI是我们企业策略与发展的核心。DEI委员会成员包括执行委员会和人力资源部门的代表。DEI...
Diversity and inclusion is firmly anchored in our corporate culture and is a key driver of our business success.