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yue du十一、阅读。(8分)da xiong mao shi wo guo de guo bao yě shi wo guo xi you dezhen gui do
wo men de zǔ guo zhen da我们的祖国真大wo men de zǔ guo zhen da我们的祖国真大bei fang you dong ye ye de jia北方,有冬爷爷的家,shi yue jiu piao xue hua十月就飘雪花。wo men de zǔ guo zhen da我们的祖国真大nan fang you chun gu niang de jia南方,有春姑娘的家yi nián si ji ...
摘要: Tian fu bu shi qi ji : Deguo nao sheng jing zhuan jia chang dao liu da qian neng, fa jue hai zi de you si he cai hua, Gelade Xute (Hüther, Gerald), Wuli Haosen (Uli Hauser) zhu ; Lin Wanyu yi. 9789862483442, Toronto Public Library...
hehe.shi a !wo da le ,suo yi wo dong de le :zhe ge shi wo ying gei zheng xi wo de ai ,er bu shi xuan ze tao bei ,ran hou qing yi ba ta pao ru da hai .qi en xiao tao la ,a yi xi tai nu ! 答案 曾经的我会因为被人喜欢而痛苦,我总会感觉...
The lithospheric mantle beneath the north part of South China Sea and its coastal areas is mainly composed of lherzolites which are high-thermal, relatively fertile in major elements, and MORB-OIB-like in isotope compositions; however, in the uppermost part there is a relict older lithospheric ...
口道的。(8分de da shu shang guad man le)的大树上,挂满了(de guo ziwo kan dao le)的果子。de chang cheng2.我看到了()的长城。xia tian dao le wo men re de3.夏天到了,我们热得(de yu er zai he lide you lai you qu.)的鱼儿在河里)地游来游去de dui wo shuonT zhenmā ma妈妈)地...
fang xiě ju zi仿写句子wo men de zǔ guo duo me guang da1.我们的祖国多么广大。duo me多么jie fang yǐ hou xiang qin men zai jing pangbian Ii le yi kuai shi bei2.解放以后,乡亲们在井旁边立了一块石碑。yǐ hou以后ma ma gao su wo yán zhe wan wan de xiao lujiu hui zou chu tian ...
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