홈 질문하기 답변 찾아보기 MATLAB FAQ 더 보기 radians to degrees in pc client팔로우 조회 수: 1 (최근 30일) Harel Harel Shattenstein 2015년 3월 23일 추천 0 링크 번역 Using the mobile app the following code rad2deg(pi) works,...
How to convert radians to degrees?@James, mathematically speaking the other suggestions must work as well, but the output was not matching my expected output. But when I used sind and cosd, it worked perfect. Maybe I was not doing it right. Anyways thanks for the help cos...
Polynomial function cubed, how do you find the square root of a imperfect square, hard math for kids, sample tests for 3rd graders "math worksheets", x to the fraction power, vertex calculator, matlab solve differential equation. Algebra and trig beecher penna bittinger teacher edition, radical...
I did this rapidly but I might try to check how this works. Oh, and use radians with trig functions. Edit: Here is your example with Matlab: >> phi = 40 * pi/180; a = 10 * pi/180; b = 11*pi/180; >> r = 6371; >> d = 2*r*asin( sqrt( cos(phi)^2 * sin( (a-b...