Degrees and Radians are units measuring angles; while there are 360° in a circle, there are 2π radians.
Arguments Angle:Required. The angle expressed in radians that you want to convert to degrees. Return Value TheDEGREESfunction returns an angle in degrees. Basic Usage convert an angle in radians to angle in degrees =DEGREES(1.25) Explanation: convert angle 1.25 (in radians) to angle in degrees...
The formula in cell E16 returns 0 degrees, this means that 0 (zero) radians is equal to 0 (zero) degrees. The image above displays a chart that illustrates the relationship between angles expressed in radians and their corresponding values in degrees. The chart consists of two main sections:...
Cos 360 degree value is 1. Cosine 360 or cos 360 is a trigonometric function that symbolizes a function in the fourth quadrant. If we wish to specify the value of cos 360-degree in radians, we first need to multiply 360 byπ180π180. ...
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