Enter the sample code for the Convert_Degree custom function described above into the module sheet. Press ALT+F11 to return to excel. In cell A1 type 10.46. In cell A2 type the formula: =Convert_Degree(A1) The formula returns 10°27'36" ...
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Enter the sample code for the Convert_Degree custom function described above into the module sheet. Press ALT+F11 to return to excel. In cell A1 type 10.46. In cell A2 type the formula: =Convert_Degree(A1) The formula returns 10°27'36" Converting Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to Decimal Degrees...
Enter the sample code for the Convert_Decimal custom function described above into the module sheet. Press ALT+F11 to return to excel. In cell A1 type the following formula: =Convert_Decimal("10° 27' 36""") Piezīme You are required to type three quotation marks (""") at the end of...
The results obtained for the degree in Chemistry were better than those of the degree in Telecommunication System Engineering, which was ascribed to the increased connection among the first-year students. The didactic strategy was very positive, although the percentage of participation in the wikis ...