investment managers need to keep a close eye on inflation and other factors that may affect the value of stocks and bonds. A credit card should never be a high-interest rate. If you don’t have a low balance, you should avoid using credit cards. Instead, use these as a last resort. ...
Haydon, Caroline
To become a financial analyst, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in finance, or a similar subject such as economics or statistics. You’ll also need to be a strategic thinker with a strong understanding of statistics and good presentation skills. Financial manager Financial managers de...
• Stockbroker • Trade Commissioner • Travel Manager • University Professor • Wire Transfer Specialist Please Note: Some of the above listed careers require additional education, training and/or experience. Click on careers that are of interest to you to find out more about the...
What jobs can I get with a degree in finance? Could I become a stockbroker or is the cost of becoming a stockbroker additional? If I want to pursue a career in finance, should I major in finance or mathematics? Is getting a Master's in...