05 Infinite Systems of Linear Equations 49:58 Fluctuations in the distribution of Frobenius automorphisms in number field exte 56:12 Filtrations, Mild groups and Arithmetic in an Equivariant context 50:55 Dynamics and Wakes of a Fixed and Freely Moving Angular Particle in an Inertial 42:40 ...
A. Bruen and N. Yui, "Polynomials with Frobenius groups of prime degree as Galois group II," J. Number Theory, (submitted).BRUEN A.A., JENSEN C U . , Yui N., Polynomials with Frobenius groups of prime degree* as Galois groups II, J. Number Theory 24 (1986), 305-359....
Let f(x) be an irreducible polynomial of odd degree n > 1 whose Galois group is a Frobenius group. We suppose that the Frobenius complement is a cyclic group of even order h. Let 2t h. For each i = 1, 2,, t we show that the splitting field L of f(x) has exactly one subfiel...
Finite solvable groups with small number of nonlinear irreducible characters having equal degree 来自 知网 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 作者: G Qian 摘要: ehn k≥2 ,it is proved that G is a D k group if and only if (1) G=H×G′ is a Frobenius group with kernel G′ of prime power group ...
The Hadamard product corresponds to the multiplicative convolution of local systems, so are under very good control, see [24, 25]. Frobenius basis: For a fourth-order operator P with at MUM point at 0, there is a canonical basis of solutions y_0,y_1,y_2,y_3 to P y=0 on a ...
Let σ be the Frobenius automorphism of Fqn defined by σ(z)=zq for all z∈Fqn. Then σ acts Fq-linearly on Fqn and we find that στσ−1=τq, so that σ normalizes Z. The group generated by τ and σ acts on Fqn. We call this group the semilinear group of degree 1 and...
1. The 2-power degree subfields of the splitting fields of polynomials with Frobenius Galois groups [J] . Spearman BK., Williams KS., Yang QD. Communications in algebra . 2003,第10期 机译:具有Frobenius Galois群的多项式分解字段的2次幂子字段 2. Isomorphism theorems for Galois groups of...
Siegel Modular Forms of Genus 2 and Level 2: Cohomological Computations and Conjectures. trace of Frobenius on the alternating sum cohomology groups of local systems on moduli spaces which is related to the vector-valued Siegel modular forms.Be... Bergström,Jonas,Faber,... - 《Imrn Internatio...
Symmetry degree is utilized to characterize the asymmetry of a physical system with respect to a symmetry group. The scalar form of symmetry degree (SSD) based on Frobenius-norm has been introduced recently to present a quantitative description of symmet
13.A Note to the Frobenius-Perron operator and invariant measure关于Frobenius-Perron算子、不变测度的一点注记 14.At Kai En, we focus first on fluency and secondly on accuracy.在凯恩,我们首先关注流利度,其次才是准确度。 15.The Notes on Product of Capacities Derived from Additive Measures;关于可...