圣路易斯华盛顿大学 - 经济学硕士 - Washington University in St.Louis - Master's Degree in Economics About the Program The master’s degree offered in theDepartment of Economicsprepares graduates for a diverse set of careers, from government, business, and non-profit to further graduate studies. Th...
such asmaths, accounting and economics. As a financial or investment analyst, you’ll be employed in gathering and analyzing financial data to guide theinvestment decisions of your employer, which could be an individual, a non-profit organization, government,...
Marketing Quantitative Economics&Finance Managerial&Financial Economics Accounting&Financial Management Entrepreneurship Data Science for Business Digital Sustainability&Social Innovation Projet, Innovation, Conception Business Law Public Affairs Media, Arts&Creation Cognitive Science Journalism 此外,项目还设置了很多Bus...
An 87-year-old great grandfather in Japan has earned his degree in economics(经济学) in a university. For this achievement, Yoshimichi Harada may be the country's oldest college student. Although he doesn't expect to get full-time employment, Mr Harada intends to learn more. In Harada's...
Graduate schemes in hospitality are open to all degree backgrounds, although some may require a minimum grade, and a relevant degree may give you an advantage. Aside from a degree in hospitality, relevant degrees may includebusiness administration,economicsor management. ...
BA/MA Program in Classical Studies 古典研究学士/硕士 BA/MA in Classics & Archaeology 古典与考古学学士/硕士 BA/MA in Mathematics 数学学士/硕士 BA/MA in Physics 物理学士/硕士 BA/MS in Computer Science 计算机科学学士/硕士 BA/MA in Economics经济学学士/硕士 ...
✦Master's degree Phd Master of Science in Finance (research track) 金融理学硕士(研究方向) 4、IAE Clermont Auvergne 克莱蒙奥弗涅管理学院 ✦Master's degree Finance parcours Accounting and Finance 金融方向:会计与金融硕士 ✦Master's degree Finance parcours International Audit Economics and Finance金...
Top Financial Career Options When it's time for college students to decide their majors, many go with finance or economics in hopes that it will lead to high-paying and relatively stable employment. It's certainly true that there are career opportunities in banking, insurance companies, and ...
He took a master'sdegreein economics at Yale. 他选择了攻读耶鲁大学的经济学硕士学位。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...an engineeringdegree. 工程学学位 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The crowd in Robinson's Coffee-House was thinning, but only bydegrees. 鲁宾逊咖啡屋里的人正在变少,但也只是渐少而已。
Studentswithabackgroundinandpassionforeconomicsandfinancecan obtainAEUROPEANANDANAMERICANMASTERDEGREEINFINANCEinonly 12months.ThisintensiveprogramissplitbetweentheAntwerpManagement SchoolandFordhamGraduateSchoolofBusinessinNewYork. StudentsenrolledinthisuniqueprogramstudyatAntwerpManagementSchool(Belgium)from ...