Degree in Agricultural Engineering We train professionals trained to apply Engineering to agro-industrial, livestock, agricultural and agri-environmental activities, with teams of highly prestigious teachers and practical training and through the use of... Read more Admission requirements Important Dates ...
Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Engineering 基本信息 学位类型: 本科 开学时间: 3、9月 专业简介 本专业旨在培养具备以下几个方面能力的专业人才:1.能够有效而集中的对科学技术进行理解,开发并应用到农作物和畜牧场当中去,以及园艺和景观行业当中去,旨在对社会,环境,生态产生最良好的效应。2.能够通过所学的知识,分...
Agriculture happens in the field. And a great deal of the research attached to agricultural endeavors is still field research. With that said, many courses that comprise the core majors courses at the associates, bachelors, and in master’s in agricultural education degrees can be taken online. ...
agraduated with a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Toronto in 1974 and with a Master's degree in Rural Engineering from the Laval University in 1990 1974年1990年毕业以机械工程程度从多伦多大学和以一个硕士学位在农村工程学从Laval大学[translate]...
Bachelor Degree in Engineering and Agricultural Science 基本信息 学位类型: 本科 开学时间: 3、9月 专业简介 本专业课程主要研究的是如何执行农业工程计划项目到动植物生产,农村基础设施,农业机械化,电气化与灌溉等等当中去,其中特别注重农业高产,并创收农业效益,通过农业政策的设定与开发最终提高人类的居住环境。此外...
In 2007 43 technology transfer projects have been implemented in five important sectors of the economy and social sphere: i) agricultural and food processing sector – 31 projects (72%); ii) industrial engineering – 5 project (11.6%); iii) energy – [...] 2007 ...
Agricultural University and obtained a Bachelor degree in Engineering. 彼畢業於中國農業大學, 並獲工學學士學位。 Henry holds a master's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California and a bachelor's degree in engineering physics fr...
Laurier University in Canada. 他持有加拿大麥克馬斯特大學電腦工程學學士和工程學碩士學位,以及加拿大威爾弗裏德‧勞瑞爾大學工商管理碩士學位。 He graduated from China Agricultural University and obtainedaBachelor degree in Engineering. ...
1.Graduate education forprofessional degreein agricultural extension master under the building of new-typed rural area;新农村建设背景下的农业推广硕士专业学位研究生教育 2.On degree structure of American postgraduate education forprofessional degreeand its enlightenment;美国专业学位研究生教育的学位结构及启示...
6.A Probe into Training Talented persons by promoting MA Programs of Agricultural Disciplines in Hainan Province;我省农业推广硕士专业人才培养探讨 7.a master's degree in fine arts.美术专业授予的硕士学位。 8.a master's degree in theology.神学专业授予的硕士学位。 9.a master's degree in library...