Some American colleges have partnerships with psychiatric institutes, public and private clinics, enabling students to attain practical experience, participate in various psychologic/counselling sessions and make their own observations. Also, the American teaching system is based on projec...
Addiction counselling self-efficacy, job satisfaction, motivation, and burnout: A mixed methods studyAddiction counsellors provide the majority of treatment to individuals struggling with substance abuse and problem gambling behaviour and, therefore, compose an essential workforce for providing effective ...
“Often treatment of an eating disorder can be more effective when the individual starts the process earlier in the progression of their eating disorder, so identifying warning signs and ensuring the appropriate resources and treatment can be provided to this student as soon as possible is ...
All Special IssuesHelicobacter pylori Associated CancerTP53 in Solid Tumors and Hematological MalignanciesHow Does Obesity Cause Cancer?10th Anniversary of Cancers—Targeted Therapies for Ovarian Cancer Treatment from Bench to Bedside3rd Etnean Occupational Medicine Workshop—Breast Cancer and Work3D Cell Cul...