Army's Degraded Visual Environment Mitigation (DVE-M) Program was to develop technologies that enable Army rotorcraft to operate in low-visibility conditions. Technologies included low and high-resolution terrain sensors, sensor fusion, pilot cueing, and advanced flight controls. This paper focuses on...
Operating in a Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) presents a major challenge to both military and civilian helicopter aircrews. Any aircraft that must use an unprepared landing area or operate in poor visibility conditions can experience DVE. Although military operations are driving the r...
An effective Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) solution integrates and displays data from a number of complimentary sources. The visualization backbone is a Synthetic Vision System (SVS) using an up-to-date synthetic terrain database with high resolution elevation data for the immediate DVE area, en...
degraded visual environmentDVEsymbologyOperating in a degraded visual environment (DVE) poses a significant risk to helicopter operations. A DVE can be caused by partial or total loss of visibility from airborne dust, sand, or snow stirred up by the helicopter's rotor downwash. A DVE can cause...
Degraded visual environmentWorkloadTask performanceOffshore helicopter operations are frequently conducted in both turbulent and degraded visual Environments (DVE). This investigation assesses the combined influence of turbulence and DVEs on pilot workload to identify first limits for safe operations. Flight...
Degraded visual environment (DVE)brownoutVideo quality metric (VQM)image quality metric (IQM)No Reference MetricFull Reference MetricSituational AwarenessA number of image quality metrics (IQMs) and video quality metrics (VQMs) have been proposed in the literature for evaluating techniques and systems...
COCKPIT DISPLAY FOR DEGRADED VISUAL ENVIRONMENT (DVE) USING MILLIMETER WAVE RADAR (MMWR)An aircraft display system to present a real-time, three-dimensional depiction of a region around an aircraft, where this three-dimensional depiction is fixed to the aircraft's coordinate location and attitude. ...
COCKPIT DISPLAY FOR DEGRADED VISUAL ENVIRONMENT (DVE) USING MILLIMETER WAVE RADAR (MMWR)An aircraft display system to present a real-time, three-dimensional depiction of a region around an aircraft, where this three-dimensional depiction is fixed to the aircraft's coordinate location and attitude. ...
METHODS: In a fixed-based helicopter simulator, 16 military helicopter pilots were asked to follow a maneuvering go-fast vessel in a good visual environment (GVE) and in a degraded visual environment (DVE). DVE was simulated by fog, obscuring the horizon and reducing contrast. B...
The Army today uses helicopters at night and in brownout and other degraded visual environment (DVE) conditions but with the same control laws of the original models; the major exception being the CH-47F and MH-47G DAFCS, which ... Brian T. Fujizawa,Mark B. Tischler,MAJ Joe S. Minor...