Degenerative lumbar disc and facet disease in older adults: prevalence and clinical correlates. Spine. 2009;34:1301-1306.Hicks GE,Morone N,Weiner DK.Degenerative lumbar disc and facet disease in older adults:prevalence and clinical COl'- relates]J].Spine,2009.34(12):1301-1306....
The treatment for degenerative disc disease is primarily conservative. The majority of patients with significant pain generally improve with time, as well as non-operative treatments such as oral medications, physical therapy, and other modalities. Epidural steroid injections and facet joint injections ...
Degenerative disease of the spine is a definition that includes a wide spectrum of degenerative abnormalities. Degeneration involves bony structures and the intervertebral disk, although many aspects of spine degeneration are strictly linked because the main common pathogenic factor is identified in chronic...
Disk narrowing also changes the orientation of the facet joints, causing potential abnormal rubbing of the facet bones against another. This can lead to the enlarging of the bones by the rubbing. This is the beginnings of the so called facet arthropathy. This is the “bones spurs” pinching t...
Degenerative discs and osteoarthritis often occur hand in hand because the disc and facet joints (the joints in the back affected by osteoarthritis) areboth part of the same three-joint complex. What kind of pain does degenerative disc disease cause?
A 40-year-old amateur weight lifter and runner had a weight-lifting injury which led to neck and shoulder pain. Plain film of the cervical spine was unremarkable. Bone scintigraphy demonstrated intervertebral disk and left uncovertebral joint uptake at C
“hard disk” problem. Some patients have soft disk superimposed on hard disk involvement. It is clinically, radiologically, and sometimes surgically difficult to distinguish between soft disk and hard disk involvement. Osteophytes, spurs, and foraminalstenosisare more common than simple soft disk ...
The aim of this study was to investigate patient-related variables, hospital-related variables and surgeon-related variables of minimally invasive tubular microsurgery (MITM) compared to conventional open microsurgery (COMS) in patients undergoing microsurgery for lumbar degenerative disorders (LDD). Results...
Degenerative lumbar spondylosis refers to a mixed group of pathologies related to the degeneration of the lumbar motion segment and associated pathologies or clinical syndromes of discogenic back pain, facet joint osteoarthritis, and segmental...
Asymptomatic degenerative disk disease and spondylosis of the cervical spine: MR imaging. Asymptomatic degenerative disk disease and spondylosis of the cervical spine: MR imaging. Radiology. 1987; 164 (1):83–88.Teresi LM, Lufkin RB, Reicher MA, Moffit BJ, Vinuela FV, Wilson GM, et al. ...