NEW YORK (AP) — As chants of “defund the police” thunder at protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, New York City's police commissioner has found himself trying to avoid deep cuts to what has long been among the world's best-funded law enforcem
If phrase “defund the police” is new to you, hearing it has likely raised some questions: What does “defund the police” really mean? Why not reform? How would we handle crime without police? What about violent crime? And if you’re already on board: Where do we start? The answer...
It just makes me a little bit uneasy."... John Calvin Byrd III, has similar qualms. The self-described "far-left militant black man" lives in Los Angeles, and says he cringes at the thought of being seen as sharing the same concerns as "Trumpers," but he bel...
While each police officer racing to gunfire or other traumas must deal with the residual effect on his mind and body, it remains doubtful if the media who reshape those stories will give it a second thought. "It's interesting when people die," wrote Don Henley, revealing his disgust with...
“From my experience being the New Haven police chief, as of last year, we did not have enough officers in New Haven to deal with all the calls in the city,” Anthony Campbell ’95 DIV ’09, former NHPD chief and current YPD assistant chief, told the News. “The very thought of ad...
The 14 year old can drop the baby off at any police or fire station no questions asked in all 50 states. We already have laws protecting unwanted babies who aren't killed before birth. The viability of the baby isnt an issue because of course the baby could die, the baby could also ...
British members of Parliament Sir Christopher Chope and Peter Bone have introduced legislation to eliminate the special powers the BBC enjoys to coerce license fees out of poor people.
Although there are multiple interpretations of “defund the police,” the basic definition is “to move funding away from police departments and into community resources, such as mental health experts, housing, and social workers.” Some advocates would reallocate some police funding while keeping pol...
All in all, the 8 Can’t Wait reforms assume good faith on the part of police, something the evidence cautions against. De-escalation and “exhaust all alternatives before shooting” are good proposals but come with giant loopholes: they go out of the window if a cop says“I thought I ...