Yeah, cut off NPR... Up here in rural country...Only Rush and NPR... Need Rush's hate speech... Don't need any common-sense news... Go Rush... Tell people how Earthquakes and Tsunamis are NEVER related like you did on Monday's show.. Keep the people ignorant! Posted...
supported by advertising don't understand what has happened to television and radio news since the days of Edward R Murrow and news had to become an entertainment profit center rather than a public service. There is so much more to NPR than the conservative pundits would like you to believe....
Should NPR apologize for using these voices of hate on the public air waves? BREAKING NEWS: SCAPEGOAT? Now Omicron is the cause of the "breakthrough" cases? Flashback: July 2021, when vaccines were first widespread, and Delta was blamed for all the "breakthrough" cases. Do vaccines only ...
BBC climate biashas been well documented by WUWT, includinga recent nasty attempt to smear the reputation of Dr. Willie Soon. This abuse all stems from a meeting a decade ago, in which the BBC accepted advice froma secret panel of experts whose names they refused to release, whic...
NPR indie. If there’s a banjo it’s gonna get a lot of radio play, that kinda thing. So all of the louder, noisier bands, we gotta stick together. Every band on the project, someone in the band is a friend of mine and I knew them from playing shows with my band, or by going...
Video boosts bid to defund NPRKeach Hagey