defund怎么读,defund的音标和真人发音 英音[dɪ'fʌnd] 美音[dɪ'fʌnd] defund是什么意思,defund的意思是 vt.从…抽回资金defund 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 But for some reason , some republicans in congress are still waging an all-out battle to...
美式音标 [ˌdiːˈfʌnd] 英式发音 美式发音 基本解释 v. 從 ... 撤資 同根派生 defund相关词 英汉例句 defund a federal program. 停止爲聯邦政府的計劃提供資金 defund更多例句 英英字典 劍橋英英字典 to stop providing the money to pay for something defund剑桥字典 defund柯林斯字典上...
defund中文意思是?秒懂英文「defund」意思跟用法! defund 中文意思是指「停止支付;停止为…提供资金」的意思。defund 只有动词的型态,没有名词的型态。defund当作动词用的时候, 其三态分别为:过去式:defunded ,过去分词:defunded ,现在分词:defunding。 下面列举出defund的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧...
defund英音: [di:ˈfʌnd] 美音: [di:ˈfʌnd] vt.从... ...抽回资金 相关短语 reflux pump (抽回流液用) 回流泵 vertical tabulation character (VT) 垂向制表字符,垂直列表字符 debt financing (以发行债券或期票筹集资金) 举债筹资,举债筹资 compound ventilation (又抽又压的) 混合式通风 suc...
单词defund 释义 defund verb[T] US uk /ˌdiːˈfʌnd/us /ˌdiːˈfʌnd/ tostopprovidingmoneyor as muchmoneytopayfor something: Sheopposesanyproposalto defund UStroops.她反对任何停止为美国军队提供资金的提议。 Foryears,communitygroupshaveadvocatedfor defundinglawenforcement– takingmoney...
defund Wikipedia de·fund (dē-fŭnd′)·fund·ed,de·fund·ing,de·funds To stop the flow of funds to:"Some days, they wake up with a burning desire to defund the Public Broadcasting System and the National Endowment for the Arts"(Joe Conason). ...
The meaning of DEFUND is to withdraw funding from.
Defund definition: to withdraw financial support from, especially as an instrument of legislative control. See examples of DEFUND used in a sentence.