We have a wounded industry at the moment and Defra is just rubbing salt into that wound. We are prepared to help Defra review its policy areas on animal health and welfare and look for savings and this is where responsibility sharing comes in. We firmly believe that if we worked together ...
ARCHIVE: Defra, UK - animal health and welfare - disease surveillance and control - veterinary surveillance This report is produced each month by the APHA Surveillance Intelligence Unit and the six Species Expert Groups (livestock and wildlife). The international horizon-scanning summaries are produced...
PIG INDUSTRY RESPONSE TO DEFRA HEALTH AND WELFARE STRATEGY The pig industry has welcomed the opportunity to work with the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Scottish Executive and the Welsh Assembly Government in the preparation of the Animal Health and Welfare Strate.....
ARCHIVE: Defra, UK - Animal health and welfare - International trade - Exports Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Communications Directorate, webmaster@defra.gsi.gov.uk - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW...
It is noted that report includes a comprehensive review of wildlife disease surveillance and new research into the origin and development of avian influenza in chickens, ducks and turkeys. It has also mentioned policies on animal health and welfare....
A preliminary review of integrated farming standards and food eco-labelling: Interim report for Project IF0131 There are a generally accepted set of principles covering a broad set of topics such as pesticide and fertiliser use, animal husbandry and welfare, health and safety and environment, but ...
According to Parliamentary Undersecretary George Eustice, the agency has collaborated with the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England and stakeholders in reexamining the plan. It also notes its aim in reducing the effect and risk of the disease....
Animal welfare, economics and policy: report on a study undertaken for the farm & animal health economics. Londres: Division of DEFRA; 2004. 68p(a).J. McInerney `Animal welfare, economics and policy - Report on a study undertaken for the Farm and Animal Health Econom...
BVA Asks Defra To Abandon Separation Of Animal Health From Animal WelfareBritish Veterinary Association
Goal of improving the TB situation, and setting out a clear vision, commitment and goals; Framework document; Sub-strategy of the Animal Health and Welfare Strategy; Commitment to establishing a stronger partnership with key stakeholders. INSET: Review of the Irish badger culling trial.....