• Deformationscan bearbitrarybutthey must preserve the topology of the mesh –No cracks,fractures etc. 10 Roni Oeschger,Nov.2005The Approach • Computethe deformation Si for every sourcetriangle(orientation( scale) skew) • Compute mappingfrom sourcetotarget triangles (correspondence) ...
D-charts: Quasi-Developable mesh segmentation, EG2005 Goal: mesh segmentation into compact chartsthat unfold with minimal distrotion fitting error measures how well triangle fits a chart 分割的结果接近可展曲面 combine with compactness Lloyd算法 随机洒一些sees 用贪婪的方法扩散,得到charts 找到新的proxy,...
这样会使得结果根据直观合理且避免了自相交的情况,缺点是该方法在重建的过程中计算量较大。 Deformation Transfer:原书中没有详细介绍该算法,可以参考这篇论文Deformation Transfer for Detail-Preserving Surface Editing。该算法在最终效果和运行效率上取了一个折中,只需要解一个疏松的泊松方程即可。 Differential Coordina...
Deformation transfer: The animation can be represented by mesh sequences. For such data, Sumner et al. [21] transferred the deformation from source model to target model by deformation gradients over triangle mesh. This method requires the source and target models both to be manifold triangle me...
We introduce a triangle mesh based convolutional neural network. The proposed network structure can be used for problems where input and/or output are defined on a manifold triangle mesh with or without boundary. We demonstrate its applications in cloth upsampling, adding back details to Principal ...
The method can detect the self-collision phenomenon during the deformation of the triangle mesh deformation body effectively in real time, accurately locates collision generation point and updates the collision information in real time.沈旭昆赵凌
Through the triangle sizes variation, the maximum expansion is controlled at each point, and thus, non-uniform expansion forces effectively mold the curvature (Fig. 8a). Other auxetics exhibiting this type of deformation are bending-active patterned extrusions [153] and adaptive curvature [154]. ...
An efficient thermal-structural numerical solver for Additive Manufacturing has been developed based on a modified Lagrangian approach to solve the energy conservation equations in differential form. The heat transfer is modeled using the finite difference method applied to a deforming Lagrangian mesh. The...
Three-dimensional presolidification heat transfer and fluid dynamics in molten microdroplet deposition the surface (skin) as well as the volumetric mesh have to be regenerated during the calculations in order to maintain the high accuracy of the numerical... V Butty,D Poulikakos,J Giannakouros -...
speed for manipulating large triangle meshes. Our experimental results demonstrate that only a small spectrum is needed to achieve undistinguishable deformations for large triangle meshes. The spectral mesh deformation approach shows great performance improvement on computational speed over its spatial ...