A household survey in three study areas in Malawi chosen to cover a range in distance from the nearest town, confirmed significant increases in household land holdings in the recent past. Villagers living around the forest reserves were identified as being key agents of deforestation, mainly ...
which states: “Deforestation in Malawi, Africa, is a major problem, and30% of the forests have disappeared in the last 10 years.Deforestation is happening very quickly on a frightening scale, and there is tremendous pressure on the natural resources because of the burgeoning population...
Information on research funding presented in the paper by Maseko et al., "Children and wild foods in the context of deforestation in rural Malawi" is incorrect.Springer USHuman EcologyMaseko, H., C. M. Shackleton, J. Nagoli, and D. Pullanikkatil. 2017. Children and wild foods in the ...
Monograph 170 223 INTRODUCTION Climate change has been identi ed as the leading human and environmental crisis o the 21st century. Bearing this in mind, the 13th Con erence o Parties (COP) to the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Bali, Indonesia, rom 3 to...
Comparison of hydrology and physical limnology of the east African great lakes: Tanganyika, Malawi, Victoria, Kivu And Turkana (with reference to some north American great lakes). Limnol. Climatol. Paleoclimatol. East Afr. Lakes 1996, 103–139. 24. Van Engelen, V.; Verdoodt, A.; Dijks...
“main driver” of deforestation in Brazil (aside from soybeans and wheat) and in Malawi (single main driver in 2000–2007); overall, it was concluded that tobacco’s share in global deforestation “due to agricultural expansion is smaller than for other crops” [20] (p. 28), confirming ...
The impact of land use on soil carbon in Miombo Woodlands of Malawi. For. Ecol. Manag. 2004, 203, 345–360. [CrossRef] 41. Haile, S.G.; Nair, P.; Nair, V.D. Carbon storage of different soil-size fractions in Florida silvopastoral systems. J. Environ. Qual. 2008, 37, 1789–...