That means if you happen to have a winter that isn't as cold as usual, with not very much snow -- or even two or three such winters in a row -- that isn't a change in climate. That's just an anomaly -- an event that falls outside of the usual statistical range but doesn't...
This work was developed at a workshop during the event “Sustainability, conservation and resilience: strategies for the Colombian post-conflict,” held March 14–16, 2018, and organized under the leadership of M. Linares and N. Clerici, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Universidad ...
The winners, which were also hurt by a reputation event, face an increase of 6 percent on the beta and therefore a -2 percent impact on their enterprise value. There is no definitive explanation given why the winners are able to gain from reputation events more in the 2018 group than i...
According to our analysis of the three major Amazonian droughts, the 2015 event was the most extreme of the 21st century30. Most strikingly, unlike the 2005 and 2010 droughts, fires associated with the 2015 drought extended beyond the Arc of Deforestation (Supplementary Fig.2), impacting areas ...
Although this event coincides with the Siberian trap volcanic activity, we note that felsic–intermediate volcanism was extensively developed along the convergent Panthalassan margin of Pangea at that time and might also have contributed to environmental perturbations at the close of the Permian. ...
To understand the current status of the disturbed forest areas, we classified disturbed areas into deforestation, forest degradation and regeneration (Fig. 2; Step 4). A disturbed forest area was classified i) as deforested if it was no longer covered by forest, ii) as degraded if the forest...
While these fires were made worse by conditions caused by an El Nino Southern Oscillation event, there are policies and aspects of governance which hamper the response to such fires (Tacconi 2003). Furthermore, they are sometimes intentionally and illegally set and precede the use of land for ...
New plantations can either cause deforestation by replacing natural forests or avoid this by using previously cleared areas. The extent of these two situations is contested in tropical biodiversity hotspots where objective data are limited. Here, we expl