What defines a serious adverse event? Serious Adverse Events. Serious Adverse Events includeadverse events that result in death, require either inpatient hospitalization or the prolongation of hospitalization, are life-threatening, result in a persistent or significant disability/incapacity or result in a...
serious adverse event EBMAny untoward medical event attributed to a therapeutic agent at any dose, which: results in death; is life threatening; requires inpatient hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalisation; results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity; or causes a congenital...
The meaning of ADVERSE is acting against or in a contrary direction : hostile. How to use adverse in a sentence. Adverse vs. Averse
Serious Adverse Eventmeans any adverse event that led to any of the following: serious offencemeans: (a) a crime or offence involving the death of a person; (b) a sex-related offence or a crime, including sexual assault (whether against an adult or child); child pornography, or an indec...
Serious Adverse Eventmeans any adverse event that led to any of the following: Development Reportmeans a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appe...
Suicidal behavior is an adverse event in any study, and potentially a very serious one. Thus the issues of reporting and definition are particularly salient for researchers who work with populations at risk for suicidal behavior, especially when the suicidal behavior is the outcome of interest. We...
Death, cardiac arrest, and unplanned admissions to an intensive care unit are probably the most serious among the adverse events. Most of these events have their genesis in general wards; they are not sudden or unpredictable, because they are usually preceded by signs of clinical instability. ...
adverse drug event Wikipedia (ad-vĕrs drug ĕ-vent'), "aninjuryresultingfrommedicalinterventionrelatedto adrug."[InstituteofMedicine] Seealso:adverse event. FarlexPartnerMedicalDictionary©Farlex2012 adverse drug reaction Anynoxiousandunintendedresponseassociatedwiththeuseof adruginhumans. ...
“Any time you put a foreign substance into anybody you have the potential for an adverse event,” Geisbert reminds. FromThe Daily Beast I think it's good that it doesn't look like there was any serious adverse event, I mean, nobody was hospitalized. ...
Death, cardiac arrest, and unplanned admissions to an intensive care unit are probably the most serious among the adverse events. Most of these events have their genesis in general wards; they are not sudden or unpredictable, because they are usually preceded by signs of clinical instability. ...