Define windfall taxes. windfall taxes synonyms, windfall taxes pronunciation, windfall taxes translation, English dictionary definition of windfall taxes. n a tax levied on an organization considered to have made excessive profits, esp a privatized utili
There have been various instances of windfall taxes being implemented around the world. One notable example is the windfall tax imposed on oil companies during periods of exceptionally high oil prices. This tax aimed to capture the excess profits made by these companies due to uncontrollable factors...
Related to windfall: Windfall taxwind·fall (wĭnd′fôl′) n. 1. A sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or financial gain. 2. Something, such as a ripened fruit, that has been blown down by the wind. adj. Of or relating to a windfall: windfall profits. American Heritage® Di...
The meaning of WINDFALL is something (such as a tree or fruit) blown down by the wind. How to use windfall in a sentence.
most states prohibit a secured party from taking the security and keeping the windfall. In such cases the secured party may either sue in court for the money outstanding or take the property and return part of the money. In other situations a secured party may be entitled to any excess valu...
windfall profits She had an unexpected windfall when a cousin died. Oxford Collocations Dictionary Want to learn more? Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with theOxford Collocations Dictionaryapp. Try it for free as part of theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dic...
An excess profits tax is an extra tax that is imposed on business or corporate profits or a certain level of high income. The tax can either be permanent or temporary. It is usually put in place to offset income inequality. This is especially true for windfall profits. In the United Sta...
Severance Taxesmeans all extraction, production, excise,net proceeds, severance, windfall profit and all otherTaxes andsimilar obligations, and any penalties,additions to Tax,and interestlevied or assessed thereon,with respect tothe Propertiesthat are based upon or measured bythe productionof Hydrocarbons...
As with all tax initiatives instituted by governments, there is always a divide between those who are for and those who are against the tax. The benefits of a windfall tax include proceeds being directly used by governments to bolster funding for social programs. Those against windfall taxes cla...
which is derived from secondary sources. As these non-operating revenue sources are often unpredictable or nonrecurring, they can be referred to as one-time events or gains. For example, proceeds from the sale of an asset, a windfall from investments, or money awarded through litigation are no...