Toiling like a bee in a hive —Noël Coward, lyrics for “World Weary” (Fifty-two Sundays a year … for three hours my mother was) unemployed in her own house. Like a queen —Philip Roth Roth’s comparison of a mother to an unemployed queen comes from his novel, The Ghost Writer...
AlsoDouay Bible,Li·a[].(in the Bible) the first wife of Jacob. a female given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “weary.” Word of the Day January 22, 2025 delitescent [del-i-tes-uhnt] Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox!
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
8. Something that provides information or clarification: research that produced little new light on the question. 9. a. A state of awareness or understanding, especially as derived from a particular source: in the light of experience. b. Public attention; general knowledge: brought the scandal...
lacking vitality; weary; tired; fatigued: Limp with exhaustion, she dropped into the nearest chair. Synonyms:weak,feeble without firmness, force, energy, etc., as of character: limp, spiritless prose. Synonyms:weak,feeble flexible; not stiff or rigid: ...
...a man on horseback, haggard and weary, rode up to the door of the "Anchor Inn" atKingston-on-Thames and demanded lodgings for the night. The landlord and his family were just retiring to rest, and the landlady, not liking the wild and haggard appearance of their midnight visitor, ...
15. Weary; supported with pain or difficulty. And the hands of Moses were heavy. Ex.17. 16. Inflicting severe evils,punishments or judgments. The hand of the Lord was heavy on them of Ashdod. l Sam.5. 17. Burdensome; occasioning great care. This thing is too heavy for thee. Ex....
Around 1538, a prominent Jewish Rabbi, Judah Loew, grew weary of the persecution of his people. He created a golem and gave it life, tasking it with protecting the Jews of Prague. The golem grew violent and destructive, and Rabbi Judah was forced to take away its life-giving words. ...
...YEXXXI. Mine hand was so weary when I was come to the last sentence afore this, that I set down no more. Truly, there was little at after... — Joyce Morrell's Harvest - The Annals of Selwick Hall • Emily Sarah Holt ...
Why frequency matters in media Craig affects a laconic stiff-upper-lip the-devil-take-you exterior as the older, war-weary Sassoon, while Jenkins' Owen - the former Birkenhead schoolboy, let us remember - is fever- ishly pink-cheeked and brighteyed as his devoted disciple. Review; NOT ABOU...