water stress anyWILTINGexhibited by plants that are losing more water byTRANSPIRATIONthan they are taking up through the roots. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add...
1 : to give off salty moisture through the pores of the skin : perspire 2 : to give off or cause to give off moisture 3 : to collect drops of moisture on the surface a pitcher of ice water sweats on a hot day 4 a : to undergo anxiety or stress sweated through the test ...
wa·ter·cress -ˌkres : a plant that is related to the mustards and the cabbage, grows especially in clear running water, and has crisp peppery-tasting leaves used especially in salads also : the leaves of a watercress More...
Fluid refers to both liquids and gases. The Fluid pressure is generally the stress at some point in the fluid due to the compressive nature. It may occur in two situations. One, in bodies like oceans, the atmosphere when fluid is under open channel flow and thus known as the open conditi...
Definition. So, what is stress?Straight definition of stress is –“a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense”. Or, as wikipedia describes: consequence of the failure of a human to appropriately respond to physical or emotional threats. It doesn’t actually matter if those threats ...
Improved global simulations of gross primary product based on a new definition of water stress factor and a separate treatment of C3 and C4 plants 热度: A structural stress definition and numerical implementation for fatigue analysis of welded joints ...
high blood pressure; water retention; arthritis; heart enlargement; strokes; ulcers; kidney disease; eclampsia and toxemia of pregnancy; allergies; diabetes; neurological problems; cancer. To go from a simpledefinition of stress to the complex problem of its control is a huge step. ...
3. (intr) to achieve a specified result in a test: a quarter of the patients at the clinic tested positive for the AIDS virus. 4. (tr) to put under severe strain: the long delay tested my patience. 5. test the water to make an exploratory or initial approach; sound out n 6....
The meaning of FLOW is to issue or move in a stream. How to use flow in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Flow.
: of unusually large size or amount a heavy turnout b : of great force heavy seas c : threatening to rain or snow a heavy sky heavy clouds d(1) : impeding motion heavy traffic (2) : full of clay and inclined to hold water heavy soil e...