(Scotland) Act 2007 as adults who; are unable to safeguard their own well-being, property, rights orother interests; are atrisk of harm; and because they are affectedby disability,mental disorder, illness or physical ormental infirmity, are more vulnerable to being harmed than adults who are...
Business Condition means the financial condition, business, assets, liabilities and operations of a Person. Mental abuse means any willful action or inaction of mental or verbal abuse. Mental abuse includes, but is not limited to, coercion, harassment, inappropriately isolating a vulnerable adult from...
Britain,Great Britain,U.K.,UK,United Kingdom,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland- a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the Uni...
Define quarriers. quarriers synonyms, quarriers pronunciation, quarriers translation, English dictionary definition of quarriers. n. pl. quar·ries 1. a. A hunted animal; prey. b. Hunted animals considered as a group; game. 2. An object of pursuit: The p
which may be used at all times without any manner of contradiction; as Emancipation, Adoption, Manumission; and in several other legal Acts granted by the Judge upon request, and by consent of all Parties." (281)Voluntary jurisdictionalso appeared in Scotland, and the distinction between contenti...
professor ofcivil engineeringat theUniversity of Glasgowin Scotland, successfully demonstrated how applied science could help the practical engineer. Rankine’s work on the stability of loose earth, for example, provided a better understanding of the principles of dam design and performance of structures...
Commerciallobsterculture isfeasiblebut is usually not economical. The animals take two to three years to reach market size, and they have a high mortality rate. Lobsters must molt in order to grow and are quitevulnerableduring the molting period. ...
The Virtual School for Vulnerable Pupils is monitored by the Assistant Director (Education) and the Assistant Director (Children’s Services). Terms of Reference It shall be remitted to the Sub-Committee to discharge the functions of the Council under Sections 34-43 of the Education (Scotland) ...
Scotland, Wales or theChannel Islandsin orderto be eligible fora Card. Spire reserves theright to refusean application for any reason.5. Cardholders must be a full or part-time employeeof a company that isa member ofMySpire Corporateat the timeof their SpireHospital appointmentin orderto recei...
The researchers suggest that events that occurred before the age of 3 can have an even more powerful effect than some recent traumatic events. Adult Mental Health Especially Vulnerable to Early Childhood Events: An MGH study suggests that hardships experienced early in life may lead to physical ...