(either rapid ascent to high altitude or return from a compressed-air environment); it is characterized by headache; pain in the arms, legs, joints, and epigastrium; itching of the skin; vertigo; dyspnea; coughing; choking; vomiting; weakness (and sometimes) paralysis; and severe peripheral ...
An analogy with neuropsychiatric studies and, in particular, the concept of auditory hallucinosis are proposed by the authors to define tinnitus. According to the authors, tinnitus is auditory hallucinosis, and similarly, vertigo is spatial hallucinosis. Keywords: tinnitus; sensation; perception; dys...
Medical ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.osteoblastoma- benign tumor of bone and fibrous tissue; occurs in the vertebrae or femur or tibia or arm bones (especially in young adults) benign tumor,benign tumour,nonmalignant neoplasm,nonmalignant tumor,nonmalignant...
Synonym(s): Charcot vertigo; tussive syncope Charcot spine Charcot syndrome - a condition caused by ischemia of the muscles. Synonym(s): intermittent claudication Charcot triad - (1) in multiple (disseminated) sclerosis, the three symptoms: nystagmus, tremor, and scanning speech; - (2) ...
Geopolitics of Europe and the Iron Law of Evolutionary Biology (Europe after the Brexit, NATO 70 summit and Turkish geopolitical vertigo) For whose sake Eastern Europe has been barred of all important debates such as that of Slavism, identity, social cohesion (eroded by the plunder called "priva...
3. in cardiac pacing terminology, the number of pulses per minute below the programmed pacing rate that the heart must drop in order to cause initiation of pacing; it can be programmed in by a pulse generator. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, ...
Medical Encyclopedia ver·vet (vûr′vĭt) n. Any of several African monkeys of the genusChlorocebus,having a black face with white cheek tufts, a yellowish-brown or greenish coat, and a long tail. Also calledgreen monkey. [French :vert,green(from Old Frenchverd; seeverdant) +(gri)vet...
3.incardiacpacingterminology, the number of pulses per minute below the programmed pacing rate that the heart must drop in order to cause initiation of pacing; it can be programmed in by apulsegenerator. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Ed...