The meaning of HEAT ISLAND is an urban area in which significantly more heat is absorbed and retained than in surrounding areas.
The impact of the urban heat island (UHI) on health of urban residents, energy consumption, and urban air quality has become increasingly significant in cities. Despite of multiple recent studies on developing UHI predictive models, the impact of vertical morphological parameters on the UHI ...
溢出效应 yì chū xiào yìng spillover effect 满口应承 mǎn kǒu yìng chéng to promise readily 炎性反应 yán xìng fǎn yìng inflammation response 热岛效应 rè dǎo xiào yìng urban heat island effect 物资供应 wù zī gōng yìng supply of material 电磁感应 diàn cí gǎn yìn...
热风枪 rè fēng qiāng heat gun 热香饼 rè xiāng bǐng pancake 热动平衡 rè dòng píng héng thermodynamic equilibrium 热岛效应 rè dǎo xiào yìng urban heat island effect 热带地区 rè dài dì qū the Tropics 热带雨林 rè dài yǔ lín tropical rain forest 热带风暴 rè dài fē...
Homework Statement "The urban heat island (UHI) effect refers to the phenomenon of a metropolitan or built up area which is significantly warmer than its surrounding areas." Using white paint in roofs increases the solar reflectance and decrease the thermal intake into a building. Question:-.....
definition of “urban area”has changed several times in the past. If researching a particular subject that uses the term,it may be important to find the definition in effect at the time the book or article was written. (3) In popular speech,any densely populated area of a city or town...
Green spaces help mitigate the urban heat island effect by providing shade and cooling effects. They assist in managing stormwater runoff, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion. By prioritizing creating and preserving green spaces, suburban communities can promote a healthier and more sustainable ...
— The Booming of Acre Hill - And Other Reminiscences of Urban and Suburban Life • John Kendrick Bangs Read full book for free! ... had not yet been transferred to the "somewhere outside." Those slippers under the bed could have belonged to no species of human being but a commercial...
3.1. Definition of the Wildland–Urban Interface 3.1.1. Conceptual Definition Considering the conceptual definition, the WUI was always determined by at least two components: the wildland—a portion of land under low anthropogenic influence—and a human-altered part of the landscape. A number of ...
The effect of ambient temperature and the consequent accessories consumption due to cabin heating are shown to be remarkable. For instance, in case of Federal Urban Driving Schedule (FUDS), simplified FUDS (SFUDS), and New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) driving cycles, the range exceeds 150 km...