Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
11.Used in titles:The Right Reverend Jane Smith. v.right·ed,right·ing,rights v.tr. 1.To put in or restore to an upright or proper position:They righted their boat. 2.To put in order or set right; correct:measures designed to right generations of unfair labor practices. ...
1. To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity: Leaves fell from the tree. 2. a. To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees. b. To lose an upright or erect position suddenly: tripped and fell. c...
And—key to the idea of duplicity—you're hiding the hidden you in order to make people believe something that's not true. The word is found in many works of literature, including the Bible: The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. ...
meaning originally to cause to sit, are used particularly to stress the position in which an object is put: lay usually suggests putting an object rather carefully into a horizontal position: to lay a pattern out on the floor. Set usually means to place upright: to set a child on a horse...
andthrottlethe vanguard of progress. Briefly stated, the important facts in the case in question are as follows: Mr. King is an honest, hard-working farmer. He is charged with no breach of morals; in fact, it appears that he is a remarkably upright man. But he is a Seventh Day Advent...
Anatomy.one of the rodlike cells in the retina of the eye, sensitive to low intensities of light. Comparecone ( def 5 ). Bacteriology.a rod-shaped microorganism. Also calledleveling rod,Surveying.a light pole, conspicuously marked with graduations, held upright and read through a surveying in...
Eschatology is a religious doctrine of last things or end times. Originally a Western term drawing on Christian ideas, it has since been applied to many other religious traditions around the world. It continues to shape ideology in the modern world.
the navigator could then simply read his heading from the card. So familiar has this combination become that it is called the compass, although that word originally signified the division of the horizon. The suspension of the compass bowl ingimbals(originally used to keep lamps upright on tossin...
(intransitive, of a person) To be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs (especially the upper legs) are supported by some object. 1460-1500, The Towneley Playsː He is so fair, without lease, he seems full well to sit on this. After a long day of wal...