tree (trē) n. 1. a.A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown. b.A plant or shrub resembling a tree in form or size. 2. a.Something that resembles a tree in form, especially a diagram or arrangement that has branches showing relationships of hierarchy or...
any of various shrubs, bushes, and plants, as the banana, resembling a tree in form and size. something resembling a tree in shape, as aclothes treeor acrosstree. Mathematics, Linguistics.tree diagram. family tree. a pole, post, beam, bar, handle, or the like, as one forming part of...
On the basis of this definition, one can devise a simple inverted-tree diagram. Despite the clarity of the definition, difficult questions arise. Is mountain climbing a sport? It is if one understands the activity as a contest between the climber and the mountain or as a competition between ...
She has 20 years of experience teaching collegiate mathematics at various institutions. Like an actual tree, a tree diagram in mathematics branches out and expands. We see that it is an extremely useful tool in general mathematics, probability, and statistics. By organizing our information in this...
The meaning of TREE is a woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower part. How to use tree in a sentence.
Plant, any multicellular, eukaryotic, usually photosynthetic life-form in the kingdom Plantae. There are an estimated 390,900 different species of plants known to science. Learn more about the plant kingdom, including the life and evolutionary histories
The meaning of TREE is a woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower part. How to use tree in a sentence.
Define earth. earth synonyms, earth pronunciation, earth translation, English dictionary definition of earth. earth cutaway of the earth n. 1. a. The land surface of the world. b. The softer, friable part of land; soil, especially productive soil. 2. oft
Anatomy Any branching structure—e.g., bronchial tree, vascular tree Botany A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown Evidence-based medicine A diagram of an algorithm for a particular process Evolutionary biology A schematic which demonstrates the relatedness of organis...
A tree diagram lets a user start at a single point and make mutually exclusive decisions or experience mutually exclusive events to follow a path down the branches of the tree. Using a tree diagram is simple once you assign the appropriate values to each node. Chance nodes, representing a po...