The meaning of WAVE is to motion with the hands or with something held in them in signal or salute. How to use wave in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Wave.
The meaning of WAVER is to vacillate irresolutely between choices : fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction. How to use waver in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Waver.
waver Thesaurus Idioms vacillate; fluctuate; hesitate; falter; sway:She wanted to go, but her doubts made her waver. Not to be confused with: waiver– intentional relinquishment of a right; the document that evidences a waiver:She signed a waiver. ...
waver1 verb (used without object)(7) noun(1) waver2 noun(3) Other Words FromWord History and OriginsSynonym StudyRelated WordsWord of the Day Advertisement View synonyms forwaver AmericanBritish 1 [wey-ver] Phonetic (Standard)IPA verb (used without object) ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
hesitater,hesitator,vacillator,waverer- one who hesitates (usually out of fear) 2.Coward- English dramatist and actor and composer noted for his witty and sophisticated comedies (1899-1973) Noel Coward,Sir Noel Pierce Coward Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Prin...
2.Usingdifferentpatternsof developmenttoorganizeadefinition essay DifficultPoints 1.Avoidingthreeerrorsingivinga formaldefinition Introduction Therearefourbasicwaysofdefiningaword: 1.Givingasynonym, 2.Givingaformaldefinition, 3.Givinganinformaldefinition,and ...
Usage: You’re off work on the day of the big match! How did you wangle that one? Link to this page: Add or improve a definition Word:* Part of speech: Definition:* Sample sentence: All definitions are approved by humans before publishing. Any promotional content will be deleted...
Vacillate means waver.;Circular definition Overly narrow definition Overly broad definition;Circular definition;Overly narrow definition;Overly broad definition;Avoid using ungrammatical structures;Use the patterns of development either individually or in combination when formulating an extended definition. ...
2025 One of the academy sides are providing the mascots for Tottenham and the flag wavers. Rob Tanner, The Athletic, 9 Jan. 2025 See All Example Sentences for waver Word History Etymology Verb Middle English; akin to Old English wǣfre restless, wafian to wave with the hands — more ...